Drug and Alcohol Testing Policy/Drug-Free Workplace Policy

DFW Black Car and Limo, does not tolerate the use of alcohol or drugs by drivers. Absolutely no possession, consumption or intoxication of alcohol or illegal substances is permitted. The use of or being under the influence of illegal drugs and/or alcohol is inconsistent with the behavior expected of employees.

The use of illegal drugs and alcohol and misuse of prescribed and over the counter drugs subjects employees and clients to unacceptable safety risks that undermine the Company’s ability to operate safely, effectively and efficiently. The use, possession, distribution or sale of controlled substances such as drugs or alcohol, being under the influence of such controlled substances (drugs and alcohol) or testing positive for alcohol or any drug including, but not limited to, inactive components or metabolites associated with the use of such drugs is strictly prohibited while working for DFW Black Car and Limo, or operating the Company’s vehicles.

Our Company participates in random and post-accident drug and alcohol testing. If an accident happens on the job you may be expected to participate in a drug and alcohol test immediately following

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